Ok being by myself
Diaries of a Beautiful Woman: Crown
I decided and I really mean it I’m ok living this life alone. Without the man. With beloved ones — family, with cats and dogs. Maybe, adopted children or child — may be, if I come to that feeling and understanding one day. Maybe, my child if I decide so one day and have the means for it. But, overall, I feel like I’d be fine if I never get married and have a conventional family.
If I meet someone — fine. If I don’t — fine. Either way is ok.
Yesterday I came across one video that shared a snipped of Naomi Campbell’s interview on how it’s to be a mom of a newborn and a two-year old at 52 or 53. I didn’t know she’s become a mom. Wow!
I’m in awe with women like that. Who prove the world that you can shift the age and actually do whatever you want in this life. And I don’t know whether she is married or not. I hope she has a strong man by her side, but even if she doesn’t — still fine. She’s an accomplished, gorgeous woman, who made it big for all the dark-skinned models and women in fashion and the adjacent industries. She played and still plays it big. The one and only — the panther. Bagira she is.
I almost cried.
Love strong women. Love women who make it big. Love beautiful women. Empowering, igniting, inspiring. Just love them.
Wanna be like them, wanna follow their steps.
There is another thing I though of writing about. It came to me yesterday when I was in public sauna with lots of women. If you look at women’s bodies — raw, naked women’s bodies — they are not very much appealing. I don’t know why. It’s always been like that to me. Whenever I went to public saunas I thought the same thing. Even the young and slim ones. No. Well, I must say there was one very beautiful body yesterday — of a young, pregnant woman. Her body did look divine. But other than that…
I guess it’s the way you decorate this body — lingerie, essential oils, perfume, gestures and mimics, hair, all that. Remember Victoria’s Secret commercials with Adriana Lima and other girls, playing out the mistresses in big castles. Well, it’s the surrounding — the play, the imagination that makes a woman’s body so attractive, so appealing, so seductive.
Paradoxically, it’s the clothes. Clothes make a woman’s body look good. Another thing is — decoration — sprays, balms, scents, jewelry, tan… you name it. Third one — movement and plasticity. When a woman dances, smiles, does something — emphasis on «does» — she makes that body uber attractive. By body I mean flesh in whole — the face, the body, the hair, all. And the most interesting and often undermined ingredient, I’d say — is divinity.
Yes, that’s what’s missing in most of the bodies you see in public baths. The moment a woman becomes plain material, plain physical — that’s the day and time of her death. Too strong of a word to claim. She might retain that physical attraction for some time — until she’s young, but aging will ultimately take it.
So, lying there, on warm woods and looking around all these elderly women with their slowly moving bodies and listening to their age nagging talks (sorry if that sounds offensive), I was thinking — how come there is nothing feminine left in them. What’s missing? I’m sure all of them used to be feminine and pretty.
And that’s what brought to thoughts about one secret element, one ingredient that even the most naturally born beautiful women lack. Without it a woman loses her femininity — it’s something angelic, true divine nature of a woman that God designed, planned and put into each woman.
At first I thought — hm… maybe it’s just age, that a age takes away the femininity. So I started brainstorming — are there any senior women who are still very, very feminine and appealing? It took me some time to think. But then I said, certainly. There are plenty of them. Maya Plesetksaya — Russian ballet dancer — till her last breath that woman was gorgeous and breathtaking, her every movement was a piece of art. Divine art.
I thought of some other examples.
These were the women who’ve been engaged in some divine act. Arts, for example. Just like sports — is a magic pill for physical beauty, arts is a magic pill for spiritual beauty. Read that again, it’s a brilliant thought that visited my mind:
«Sports — is a magic pill for physical beauty.
Arts — is a magic pill for spiritual beauty.»
Bota Khabibulla
Do these two things until you die — and, believe me, it will work for you, even when you are sleeping, cooking, doing other things. Sports and arts — are the best investments in beauty. Physically and spiritually beautiful woman is a divine woman. Let’s take that crown God has given us with dignity, honor, and pride, put it on our heads gracefully, bow with gratitude to our Creator, stand up straight, young and gorgeous and walk this pathway of a catwalk, called life, wearing our gowns and jewelries like queens.
P.s. besides arts, there is charity and other forms of divine service.
Luv you, sis-tas!